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Should You Use Juul Pods Or E-Cigs?

Should You Use Juul Pods Or E-Cigs? Juul Pods is really a new type of electronic smoking device, developed by the Kola Company. While much more research needs to be conducted on vaporizing, the info that’s been available up to now indicates to some extent, that vaporizing might pose little risk. However, this is by…

Smok Novo – SO HOW EXACTLY DOES it Work?

Smok Novo – SO HOW EXACTLY DOES it Work? Using its 5-ml bottle and a 3ml nicotine e-liquid reservoir, the SMOK Novo makes a great starter kit for new vapers looking for something to kick off into the world of advanced e-juice. The kit includes everything you require to get started vaporing on the SMOK…

Vapor Cigarettes – Are They a Healthy Choice?

Vapor Cigarettes – Are They a Healthy Choice? An electronic cigarette is simply an electronic device which replicates actual cigarette smoking. It usually consists of an electric atomizer, a battery, and an incident such as a tank or cartridge. Rather than tobacco, the user just inhales vapor instead. As such, utilizing an electronic cigarette is…

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